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Female Hormone Health Coach | Online Educator


With a personalized Lindy Glow grocery list, exercise plan, environment and romance guidance, weekly giveaways and scheduled check up meetings we can deeply dive into the patterns of your health and when they occur during which time in your cycle so you can learn more about your body simply from self awareness.

Together we will build your ideal lifestyle for longevity of health and progress!


During Find Your Glow you will focus only on the things that make your body and mind feel good.



The goal is happiness, not weight loss or decreasing measurements, not counting calories or minutes in the gym. This guided journey is for you and your hormones to become best friends. The goal is to be completely aware of your body and have full control of your mind.

Once you’ve found your glow you will:

  • Prevent and Control PMS

  • Have a consistent Ovulation and Menstrual Bleeding schedule

  • Clear your Skin

  • Avoid Future Diseases

  • Strengthen your “Voice” and Allow Boundaries to always be set

  • Build Confidence and Self esteem


 Balance your hormones, balance your mind, find your glow!






Plus soooo many more signs that you may have mistakenly overlooked…


Every “body” is a beautiful body.
Hormones and all!

Start your hormone-controlled journey
today with a free consultation call.


“I swear you’re not crazy, you’re just too high estrogen too low progesterone.”

— Lindy Glow



* All Lindy Glow Services require a FREE 60 min Glow Consultation*

Let’s Talk! I need to know all about you in order to get started on this amazing new journey on Finding Your Glow!

During this hour consultation I will be:

• Breaking down the 4 Hormone Cycle Phases
• What is going on in your body and your reproductive system.
• Discussing what personal issues you have with body and health.
• Identify your personal PMS symptoms.
• Setting your Glow Goals
• Answering any and all questions and concerns.

Lindy-Glow-sparkle-2 copy.png

 All services include

  • Exercise Plan

  • Personalized Lindy Glow Grocery List

  • Environment/ Lifestyle Guidance

  • Social Life and Romance Guidance

  • Bi Weekly Giveaways

  • Weekly scheduled check up Meetings

  • Infradian Rhythm Education

  • Glow workbook




Find Your Glow

This program includes a virtual one on one coaching service. We will build the ideal lifestyle that benefits your body’s needs and wants! Together we are going to achieve all your personal goals. You are not alone! Lindy Glow is here to teach, guild, and support you!

This program is recommended for women who are dealing with hormone imbalance issues, PMS, Mental Health issues and over all lifestyle reboots. Are you wanting to get off of the Pill? This program is also extremely recommended for you!





Find Your Glow Glow-Up: this program is a VIP extended version of Find Your Glow with all-inclusive services to help build your ideal lifestyle that benefits your body needs and wants!

You will not only be working one on one with Lindy but you will also be working one on one with Audra Isadora doing Breath Work + Meditation and Personal Trainer Correen Longbine.

This Program includes everything in Find Your Glow plus a little extra attention and love to accomplish every goal!



  • Lindy Glow Phase Recipes

  • 6 Personal Trainer Virtual Workout Classes with Correen Longbine

  • 3 Personalized Guided Meditation & Virtual Healing with Danielle Smith

  • 1 Personalized Thrive Market Welcome Package ($60 Value)



  • Lindy Glow Phase Recipes

  • 12 Personal Trainer Virtual Workout Classes with Correen Longbine

  • 6 Personalized Guided Meditation & Virtual Healing with Danielle Smith

  • 2 Personalized Thrive Market Glowing Lifestyle Packages ($120 Value)


 Make your first payment

After we’ve gotten know each other better during our consultation call, make sure to book your package as my calendar gets filled up pretty quickly and my coaching program is a first come first serve basis.



  1. Please complete the form and answer a few questions so I can get to know you better

  2. Choose your timezone and select the best appointment time that works for you




+ 1. What is a life coach?

Someone who helps a person make progress in their life in order to attain greater fulfillment. This can cover Physical Health, Mental Health, Social Skills, Personal Goals, Personal Relationships. A Coach is a support system and mentor.

+ 2. What is an Infradian Rhythm?

It is the female biological clock for how we develop our sex hormones ( Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone) Unlike men that have the same hormonal development pattern that matches our circadian rhythm ( Sun comes up hormones go up, sun goes down hormones go down) Woman have a complex elongated cycle measured and described as the Infradian Rhythm. It is a 28-36 Day process of fluctuating hormones. Every week is different for a woman. To put it in perspective, a man can produce fertile sperm everyday all day because of his consistent hormonal pattern. Women are only fertile for 1-7 days of the month. This leaves a lot of room for errors to accrue. Affecting Fertility, PMS, Metabolic System, Digestive System, Mental Health, Weight, Mood and much more. Hormones run our body. A disrupted Infradian Rhythm is the root cause for many health issues. Most women aren't educated about their bodies enough to know what to do.

+ 3. What is “Find Your Glow”?

Your glow is that perfectly balanced skin tone. Clear, bright white eyes. Hair strong, shiny, and full of volume. With no makeup on, you feel flawless. Your mind is clear, and your body full of energy. You are excited and ready for what each day brings you. You carry yourself with confidence. You allow the world to respect you. But most importantly you respect yourself. "Glow" is Health.

+ 4. Why is hormone health important?

Hormones are chemical substances that affect the activity of other parts of the body. Hormones act as messengers, controlling and coordinating activities throughout the body. By having the knowledge of what is going on with your hormones, you can properly identify issues and illnesses within your body. Having this knowledge is power. You can properly control the function of your body. Your body is a machine, a very complex machine. But, with the proper instructions and tools, you will run your ship smoothly and swiftly.

+ 5. What age do I have to be to Find My Glow?

Find Your Glow program is for girls and women in their menstruating years. This gives no actual age range. Every woman is different when it comes to when they hit puberty and when they are experiencing menopause.

+ 6. What if I am under the age of 18?

Lindy has been working with children for 14 years. And in fact this is the ideal age range for a young girl to start learning about her body and self. The Find Your Glow Program is adjusted for girls under the age of 18 and you will need a parent or guardians consent.

+ 7. Is there a payment plan?

Yes! During Consultation we can disgust this topic.

+ 8. What do I have to do as the client?

Listen to Lindy! And have trust in yourself. Want more for yourself. And keep your eye on the prize! Which truly is whatever your personal goals are. Your only job is to enjoy the life that we are developing for you. Stay strong with the new lifestyle changes. If change was easy then you would have already done it for yourself and you would not be seeking outside help. The journey we are about to take together is exciting. You are about to learn more about yourself than you have ever before.

+ 9. Is my personal information kept confidential?

Yes and No. The knowledge about the infradian rhythm is always fantastic to be knowledgeable about. Will it apply to your body at this point and moving forward, no. But a Life Coach is still extremely useful. So even if you can follow the Find Your Glow program you can still find extreme benefit from having a dependable life coach that is knowledgeable on the female body. Set up a consultation for more details about general life coaching programs.

+ 10. Does it matter if I’m a vegan or have dietary restrictions?

Find Your Glow program recommends a light amount of Farm Raised or Grass Fed animal products. Of course it can be modified and supplements can replace the nutritional value you are not getting from meats. Again Find Your Glow is about YOUR lifestyle. So there is always room to work around any obstacle.

+ 11. Is this program good for me if in pre-menopausal?

Yes and No. The knowledge about the infradian rhythm is always fantastic to be knowledgeable about. Will it apply to your body at this point and moving forward, no. But a Life Coach is still extremely useful. So even if you can follow the Find Your Glow program you can still find extreme benefit from having a dependable life coach that is knowledgeable on the female body. Set up a consultation for more details about general life coaching programs.

+ 12. What if I just had a baby?

If you are still breastfeeding Find Your Glow is not recommended for you. Once you have switched to formula and your estrogen levels have come back to “normal” this is when it is the perfect time to start Find Your Glow.